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University of Idaho

Physical Address:
860 W. Idaho Avenue

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1054
Moscow, ID 83844-1054


Idaho IDeA Networks and Centers

In 1993, 美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)设立了机构发展奖(IDeA)计划,以扩大NIH在全美范围内生物医学研究资金的地理分布.S.

The NIH’s IDeA program supports competitive basic, clinical and translational research, faculty development and infrastructure improvements. 该计划旨在加强机构支持生物医学研究的能力, 提高研究人员在争取研究经费方面的竞争力, 并使临床和转化研究能够满足医疗服务不足社区的需求.

There are several types of IDeA programs, 包括生物医学卓越研究中心(cobre)和IDeA生物医学卓越研究网络(INBREs). COBREs, given to individual universities and other research entities, 通过连续三个五年阶段的奖励,支持创新生物医学研究中心的建立和发展. INBREs支持全州生物医学研究发展网络,该网络将研究密集型机构与主要是本科院校合作.

爱达荷州目前有五个INBRE和COBRE IDeA项目:三个在bet365亚洲官网,两个在博伊西州立大学.

University of Idaho

Idaho INBRE — Funded continuously since 2001 and currently led by Carolyn H. Bohach, Idaho INBRE partners with 11 Idaho institutions to (1) build on the established Idaho research network and strengthen the participating Idaho institutions’ biomedical research expertise and infrastructure; (2) build and increase the research base and capacity in Idaho by providing support to faculty, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students at the participating Idaho institutions; (3) provide research opportunities for undergraduate students and serve as a “pipeline” for these students to continue in health research careers; (4) enhance Idaho’s workforce knowledge of science and technology; and (5) share established programs and infrastructure with all seven Western IDeA states through a Regional Alliance of INBRE Networks (RAIN). 这包括阿拉斯加、夏威夷、爱达荷、蒙大拿州、新墨西哥州、内华达州和怀俄明州. RAIN reduces redundancies, increase interdisciplinary research collaborations among faculty, and broaden research and education opportunities for students.

Center for Modeling Complex Interactions (二期COBRE) -最初于2015年作为一期COBRE获得资助,由Holly Wichman领导, 复杂相互作用建模中心促进跨学科生物医学研究的融合,以(1)支持教师开展基于模型的研究, interdisciplinary biomedical research and increase their competitiveness for external funding; (2) increase University of Idaho’s faculty participation in biomedical research; (3) extend the reach of its Modeling Core into new areas of modeling to capitalize on emerging opportunities; and 4) establish a path to long-term sustainability under the umbrella of Institute for Modeling Collaboration and Innovation.

Boise State University

COBRE in Matrix Biology — Led by Julie Oxford, this IDeA program is a Phase III COBRE. It’s goals are to (1) establish a critical mass of investigators focused on understanding tissue remodeling and turnover of the extracellular matrix in disease progression and in the development of therapeutic strategies for regeneration and repair; (2) consolidate and expand biomedical research core capabilities to benefit junior investigators and the university; (3) develop and maintain a significant and productive research program, including a junior investigator mentor program, ensuring access to research instrumentation and facilities, recruitment of new investigators and management of a pilot project program; and (4) collaborate with existing programs will allow them to leverage current strengths at the University of Idaho and Idaho State University without duplicating costly infrastructure building efforts.

Convergent Engineering and Biomolecular Science COBRE (CEBS COBRE, P20GM148321) — This Phase I COBRE, funded in 2023, 由吉姆·布朗宁(首席研究员和项目主任)和肯·康奈尔(联合首席研究员和副主任)领导。. CEBS COBRE的目标之一是鼓励工程师将其研究成果应用于生物医学, 反过来,促进生物医学科学家将工程方法纳入他们的研究. CEBS COBRE provides research-, 专业发展和学生资源,以支持属于生物医学设备主题的广泛区域生物医学研究项目, sensors and systems. CEBS COBRE还支持以工程为中心的综合制造的发展, Characterization and Testing (FaCT) core for the design, synthesis, and analysis of devices and sensors. 中心人员对跨越工程和生物分子/生物医学科学的支持工作特别感兴趣, 以及团队如何从研究融合和团队科学中获益.


University of Idaho

Physical Address:
860 W. Idaho Avenue

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1054
Moscow, ID 83844-1054
