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80.01 -酒类许可证及申请


  • 位置: 辅助服务助理副总裁
  • 电子邮件: 辅机

最后更新: 2009年12月7日

A. 定义.

A-1. 保险证明书. A certificate issued by an insurance company or its agent that provides proof of insurance and complies with the appropriate request for certificate of insurance 合格服务提供商s for alcohol must show evidence of liquor liability, in addition to other types of coverage specified in the request for certificate of insurance. 合格服务提供商s for food must show evidence of food borne contamination, in addition to other types of coverage specified in the request for certificate of insurance.

A-2. 事件赞助商/调度器. Sponsors of university events are the university unit(s) responsible for the event. 赞助商有责任遵守董事会和大学的政策, 以及州和地方法律, 关于酒精消费. Non-university sponsors (of events on or in university property) may be individuals or organizations. 非大学赞助商必须签署赔偿协议, 提供相应的保险证明, 并向附属公司递交酒类许可证申请. Sponsors are responsible for assembling the required information and tracking their application through the approval process.

A-3. 赔偿协议. Agreements in which non-university sponsor and service providers (alcohol and/or food) agree to indemnify, 捍卫, 让爱达荷州免受伤害, bet365亚洲官网校董会, and State Board of Education from and against any and all claims arising out of the permitted event. 大学的赞助商 签订赔偿协议.

A-4. Non-Sodexo应用程序. Used by a caterer other than Sodexo who is a qualified alcohol and/or food service provider (this may only be used at a location other than the 莫斯科 campus). 应用程序(见下文C-1)包含说明, 酒类营业执照复印件(供酒类服务提供者使用), 已签署的赔偿协议(非保险协会赞助商/酒类和食品处), 以及相应的保险证明.

A-5. 非大学赞助活动. 任何事件 on or in university property where the event is not associated with the university's mission, 和/或活动赞助商与该大学无关.

A-6. 允许在非大学财产上进行活动. 指学校主办的不属于学校财产范围的活动, 这是最少的, 提供一份签署的赔偿协议, 有效的酒类执照复印件, 以及相应的保险证明 from the alcohol service provider (evidencing but not limited to liquor liability).

A-7. 允许在大学内进行活动. 在大学自有财产上的活动, at which alcohol 是服务 and that have gone through the process for permitting, including complying with the policies of the State Board of Education and Board of Regents of the University (Board), obtaining approval through the alcohol permit process by the University’s Department of Auxiliary 服务 (Auxiliaries) and of the President of the University of Idaho, 并已向董事会报告. 参见董事会政策J 节中,我.

A-8. 私有化的信. The official document that lets the City of 莫斯科 know that the alcohol event is sanctioned by the university and does not conflict with the university rules pertaining to alcohol use on campus. (添加. 12-09]

A-9. 合格服务提供商. 有卖酒执照的(卖酒的)酒和食品的供应商, 是否签署了所需的赔偿协议, 是否提供了相应的保险证明, 并在辅助机构存档这些要求的文件. (任. 12-09]

A-10. 索迪斯的应用程序. For use by events held on the University of Idaho 莫斯科 campus which does not require a qualification of alcohol and/or food service provider. Sodexo has exclusive rights to alcohol and beverage service on the university 莫斯科 campus. (任. 12-09]

A-11.时间表和清单. 一页纸, "at a glance" guide to the alcohol permit process for all documents that are required by sponsors, 酒类服务供应商, 食品服务供应商. (任. 12-09]

A-12.大学赞助活动. 任何事件, 其中,大学的名字与该活动联系在一起, 和/或大学基金, 控制或赞助事件. 这些活动必须与大学的使命相一致. (任. 12-09]

B. 政策. Alcohol applications are required for all permitted events in which any beverage containing alcoholic liquor, 根据爱达荷州法典第23-105条的定义, 是服务. Alcohol may not be sold or consumed at an event unless and until the event receives an alcohol permit. The event must be consistent with Board policies and procedures, 节中,我, see A-1 above. 事件 occurring on the University of Idaho 莫斯科 campus require the use of Sodexo. 事件 that 不 utilize Sodexo must be catered by a qualified service provider (see A-8 above), 谁有已签署的赔偿协议存档, 酒类营业执照复印件(供酒类服务提供者使用), 以及相应的保险证明. 学生体育赛事(NCAA)不允许饮酒, 没用的人, NAIA和校内学生体育赛事).

C. 过程/过程.

C-1. 应用程序请求. It is the responsibility of the event sponsor/scheduler to obtain the alcohol application from Auxiliaries. 取决于适用哪种类型的服务提供商, 辅助设备将提供索迪斯或非索迪斯应用. 无论收到哪个申请, it is the event sponsor/scheduler's responsibility to see that the paperwork is completed and returned to Auxiliaries. Alcohol applications can be obtained by calling Auxiliaries at (208) 885-5500, emailing 辅机,或到Wallace Complex Rm. 221号,位于西街1080号. 第六个圣.爱达荷州莫斯科83844.

C-2. 应用程序提交. It is the responsibility of the event sponsor/scheduler to return a fully completed application form and all required documents to Auxiliaries at least thirty (30) business days prior to the event. The event sponsor/scheduler may return the application and required documents via fax (208) 885-5904 or campus mail 2014. 只有合格的服务提供商才能为获准举办的活动提供餐饮服务. Fully completed applications will include the appropriate signed indemnity agreements (non-UI sponsor/alcohol and food service), 酒类营业执照复印件(酒类服务提供者), 和保险证明(非保险担保人/酒类和食品服务). 索迪斯是一家合格的服务提供商, 在大学的莫斯科校区, 包括酒水和餐饮服务. 另外, permitted events that are located outside a public building will require a privatization letter. 辅助人员建议以时间表和清单的形式填写, 附在申请材料中, be used by the sponsor to guide the preparation and submission of the needed documents. (牧师. 12-09]

C-3. 应用程序的批准. The application is reviewed and approved by the Assistant Vice President of Auxiliaries. 应辅助人员的要求, the Office of Risk Management (Risk) assists in reviewing documents submitted by service providers who wish to become qualified. 有关合格供应商的信息,请参见A-8. For information about non-Sodexo qualified vendors, contact Risk at (208) 885-7177. Risk maintains a list of 酒类服务供应商 who have qualified in the past, 并维护当前的文档. 请注意,每个允许的活动都需要申请, 即使服务提供者是合格的. For permitted events on university property, final approval is made by the President. 当申请被批准时,辅助机构将通过电子邮件通知赞助商.

D. 联系 信息. Questions or comments regarding the alcohol application or the related policies or procedures can be directed by calling Auxiliaries (208) 885-5500, 传真885 - 5904, 或者访问 辅助服务网站[ed. 7-17]



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