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Idaho Water Resources Research Institute

Mailing Address:
University of Idaho Boise
Idaho Water Center
322 E Front St. Suite 440E
Boise, ID 83702

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Physical Address:
1031 N. Academic Way,
Suite 216
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814

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Coeur d’Alene Basin Bull Trout

本文由Graham Freeman代表Our Gem协作团队于周日为CDA Press撰写, April 23, 2023. Read the original article.

爱达荷州州长物种保护办公室(OSC)致力于规划, coordinating and implementing the State’s actions to preserve, protect and restore species listed as candidate, 根据联邦濒危物种法(ESA)受到威胁或濒临灭绝. 这项工作是与爱达荷州的自然资源机构协调进行的,并在考虑到该州经济活力的情况下听取了爱达荷州公民的意见. In northern Idaho, OSC与欧空局水生物种合作,包括牛鳟(Salvelinus confluentus), Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), Kootenai river white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus), and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). 具体到Our Gem Collaborative和Coeur d 'Alene Lake, 受威胁的鳟鱼是在科达伦湖亚盆地发现的.

Bull trout are a native fish to California, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and are found throughout Idaho. 牛鳟表达了居住和迁徙的生活史策略. Resident bull trout complete their entire life cycle in streams, or near streams, where they spawn and rear. 洄游的红鳟鱼会在它们的出生溪流中待上一到四年,然后再迁徙到大河或湖泊. 河牛鳟鱼迁徙到河流,河牛鳟鱼迁徙到大型湖泊或水库,以进入觅食和越冬地点. Migratory bull trout can move hundreds of miles 从它们的产卵支流到觅食和越冬地点. In general, 迁徙的红鳟鱼有更好的食物资源,通常比当地的红鳟鱼大得多. 洄游的红鳟鱼会回到小支流产卵,并可能在一生中多次迁徙.

Bull trout are highly sensitive to changes in their habitat and typically require water cooler than 60 degrees Fahrenheit; clean spawning substrate (minimal fine sediment); complex habitat including pools, woody debris and overhanging banks; and connection between spawning/rearing habitat to foraging/overwintering habitat. 由于这些生境要求,鳟鱼对生境改变很敏感. Bull trout no longer inhabit 60% of their native range, largely due to habitat loss and fragmentation.

In 1999, 根据ESA,美国境内的牛鳟被列为受威胁物种. 该列表包括Coeur d 'Alene湖地理区域内的鳟鱼. 从历史上看,在科达伦和圣何塞发现了鳟鱼. 乔河系统,并表达了河流生活史策略. Currently, there are five populations of bull trout in the St. Joe watershed. 在Coeur d 'Alene河中已经找不到鳟鱼了,主要是由于水质差. The populations of bull trout in the St. 乔河的鱼类数量相对较少,受到觅食/越冬栖息地的限制和外来鱼类的威胁,这些鱼类可能会捕食洄游的幼鱼/亚成鱼.

In 2018, 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局(USFWS)公布了最终的美国牛鳟种群恢复计划(恢复计划)。. 恢复计划概述了管理和减轻威胁的必要行动, 合作实施鳟鱼恢复行动,对鳟鱼进行适应性管理. 恢复计划的目标是确保在毗邻美国的鳟鱼有足够的分布和数量,这些鳟鱼将不再需要欧空局的保护. 2018年晚些时候,USFWS发布了一份关于受威胁鳟鱼的5年状况评估报告. 5年的状况审查发现,在整个范围内,牛鳟的种群总体上是稳定的, but some populations of bull trout are decreasing. Thus, 2018年5年状态审查确定了牛鳟在ESA的濒危名单仍然是合适的. In 2020, USFWs启动了下一个5年鳟鱼状况审查,并应在明年完成.

牛鳟是一种动态鱼类,从小支流到大湖泊和河流,它们占据着各种栖息地. 它们复杂的需求使它们对水质的变化非常敏感, habitat alterations and interactions with non-native fish. Coeur d 'Alene湖地理区域的牛鳟种群可以从减少水质污染物的行动中受益, including temperature and metals, and reduce interactions with non-native fish.

关于牛鳟的更多信息可以在美国野生动物服务部的网页上找到 here. 如果您有关于爱达荷州的鳟鱼或爱达荷州州长物种保护办公室提供的服务的问题, you can contact Graham Freeman, the office’s Aquatic Species Manager/Policy Advisor at

“Our Gem Coeur d 'Alene Lake Collaborative”是一个由忠诚和充满激情的专业人士组成的团队,通过教育促进社区对当地水资源的认识,致力于维护湖泊健康和保护水质, outreach and stewardship. 我们的Gem包括来自爱达荷州社区水资源中心大学的当地专家, Coeur d’Alene Tribe Lake Management Department, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Kootenai Environmental Alliance, Coeur d’Alene Regional Chamber of Commerce, and Connect Kootenai.


Idaho Water Resources Research Institute

Mailing Address:
University of Idaho Boise
Idaho Water Center
322 E Front St. Suite 440E
Boise, ID 83702

Google Map

Physical Address:
1031 N. Academic Way,
Suite 216
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814

Google Map